Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog Personality: Jess

Hey there.

I'm Jess, one of the bloggers for this all-new site run by Tufts students for everything art and design-related. I'll tell you a little about myself, art-wise, so that you'll get an idea of what type of posts you can expect from me. We'll call this my "blog personality."

I'm a junior at Tufts and currently reside in Somerville, MA.

I'm an Art History and English major, so I love combining visual and literature studies. Expect a hearty mix of images and words-I believe the two work wonders together.

A few classes I'm enrolled in might come in handy or inspire some discussion and ideas. They are: Postmodern Art, Arts of Asia, a figure drawing class, and Hitchcock Film.

Right now, I'm interested especially in postmodernism, buddhism, street art, transitory artwork, photography (especially portraits), medieval pilgrimage and spiritual art, visually intriguing films, and the mixture and juxtaposition of ancient and contemporary works.

Some of my favorite artists of all time include:

Kandinsky, because of the meditative nature of his paintings and the fact that they are just so fun.

Andy Goldsworthy, for letting his works fall to pieces, accepting art as a process and not an achievement, and having the most patience I've ever seen. He epitomizes the idea that "nothing is precious." This is also, by the way, a phrase that art teachers love to use before they throw red paint onto an uptight artwork!

I recently traveled to Italy and somehow fit in more cathedrals and art museums than I can count on my hands and toes combined! I'll hopefully return there in the spring to study abroad. Anticipate Italian works later!

Art is a place. Is art Boston? Is it Europe? Your backyard? Something less tangible? Like a game of "Where's Waldo?" you never quite know when and where art will turn up. We'll be looking.