I'm not really into Flickr because I find the layout confusing, but there are a few accounts I check up on now and then, when I'm feeling like some lovely photography or artworks. Peruse them if you feel so inclined!
Jaclyn. She is an art student working primarily through photography. Also she is from my town and I know her!
McNeil. Gorgeous shots of Toronto and various other subjects, from flowers to portraits to traveling. He also has an excellent movie blog The Dark of the Matinee.
Kayt Hester Lent. She is a really awesome Jersey City artist who creates portraits out of duct/masking tape. In lieu of a regular website, she posts her work as well as photos of her exhibitions here. Plus I met her once and she's really nice!
dadadreams. Fascinating collage work. Check out her Etsy Shop as well for prints and jewelry.
jhandelman. As if I needed any more reminders of how desperately I want to visit Japan.
8mobili. Great shots of street life and architecture in Stuttgart, among other things.
Any other Flickr sets I should be checking out? I am not very familiar with the site so recommendations are appreciated.
Just What Is It That Makes Us So Different, So Appealing?
Hello, I'm an art history major at Tufts University, currently studying abroad in Germany. I'll be giving you opinions, information, and pictures regarding fashion, cinematography, animation, exhibits, art from any movement, and anything I find pleasing to the eye. I hope you enjoy your stay!
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